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It is called “合作教育” because the program establishes a three-way relationship between the student, 学院, 雇主. This structured relationship allows students to create short-and long-range career goals and to recognize his/her progress by establishing three measurable learning objectives for the semester. 合作教育 provides a practical learning model for students and helps them prepare for their future careers through the integration of the on-the-job learning experiences and academic classroom lessons. 把学习和工作结合起来, 每个领域都应该变得更加相关, 有趣的, 和奖励.

You must be working or volunteering during the current semester (no credit is available for past experience) and you must be currently enrolled in and complete at least one additional class, 包括Coop, 在认可的学院或大学.

All students must learn three (3) new skills at their worksite during the course of the semester. If your job is related to your major and you wish to receive elective credit in your major, 你的目标必须与你的专业相关. 如果你的工作与专业无关,目标只需要是新的学习经验. All 1st time Coop Ed students must attend two (2) seminars offered during the semester. 所有的2日, 3rd and 4th time Coop Ed students are given a written assignment that is due near the end of the semester.

Learning Objectives are the goals developed between you and your supervisor on the job that must be completed by you no later than the date specified which is near the end of the semester. You and your supervisor should discuss and decide on what three objectives you are to accomplish by the due date. 每个目标需要花费16-20个小时才能完成. These objectives will form the basis for the grade your supervisor will be asked to give you at the end of the semester. These proposed objectives must be submitted at the time of the initial meeting with the Coop. Ed. 教练. 一旦你的目标被批准, 你会得到一份协议,让你和你的主管签署. Once signed, this Agreement must be returned within one week during regular office hours.

合作教育 units are used as elective units in your major if your job is related to your major. If your job is unrelated to your major, the units you earn are considered General units. These units can be used to complete required number of units to graduate and / or complete general education requirements. 你需要62个学分才能毕业. 你修完了所有必修课,却只修了56个学分. 你少了6个单位. The General 合作教育 units you earn can be used to fill in for the units you're short.

这些单位只能在CSU系统中使用. 加州州立大学(北岭、弗雷斯诺等.)

如果获得的单位是专业相关的,你最多可以转12个单位. 如果你获得了一般单位,你最多可以转移6个单位.

总工作时间决定了你有资格获得多少个单位. 如果你的工作与你的专业相关,那么你一学期最多可以挣到4个单位. Working 75 to 149 hours total for the semester would get you 1 unit; 150 to 224 hours total = 2 units; 225 to 299 hours total = 3 units; 300 + hours total = 4 units. 如果你的工作是不相关的,你的工资是一般单位, 你这学期最多只能拿到3分. 同样的时间表适用于上述. Internship / Volunteer positions: The total hours worked determines the number of units you qualify for. 工作60到119个小时可以得到1个单位. 120 to 179 hours total = 2 units; 180 to 239 hours total = 3 units; 240 + hours total = 4 units.

如果你的工作与你申报的专业相关,你将获得与你的专业相关的学分. 所学技能必须直接适用于专业.

If you've completed your three objectives you will still get a grade but the units applied for may be affected by the loss of hours and a Section 转移 may be required to finalize your grade. 如果你没有完成目标 then there is no basis for a grade so you may have to drop the class. 记得通知Coop. Ed. 办公室的任何雇佣变动.

把变动通知我们办公室 and make sure the new supervisor is aware of the program and what your objectives are so that when the visitation and evaluation take place your supervisor will know about it.

把变动通知我们办公室. If you've completed the objectives with your former employer then all you have to do is come in and fill out an application with your new employment information so that the hours will still accumulate. 否则,我们将只计算你在上一份工作上的工作时数. 如果你没有完成目标, you will need to set up one to three new ones depending upon if you have completed any objectives with previous employer. Please let us know of any changes so that the evaluation and visitation will be done at the proper location.

在研讨会开始的时候会有一张签到表. 你的签名是你在场的证据. 如果您忘记签名,我们将不给您赊账. 研讨会迟到的学生将不被允许进入. 如果你在讲座结束前离开,你将得不到学分.

No. 如果你已经第一次参加Coop的研讨会. Ed. 学生,然后,作为一个重复的库普. Ed. 同学们,你们要交一份书面作业. 你还必须完成三个新目标. Everything is the same except a written assignment is due instead of attending the seminars. 有一个例外:如果你是第一次库珀. Ed. 那么,当你注册Coop时,你必须参加研讨会. Ed. 这是第二次,因为在夏季会议期间没有举办讨论会.

你必须补上你需要补上的部分来弥补不完整的部分, 与此同时,你可以注册成为一个复读生,让文书工作得到妥善处理.

是的. 许多有实习岗位的雇主要求学生为他们赚取单位

根据美国劳工部的数据, 区分员工和实习生有六个标准:

  1. 培训, 即使它包括雇主设施的实际操作, 和职业学校的课程类似吗.
  2. 训练是为了学生的利益.
  3. 学生不会取代正式员工, 但在正式员工或主管的密切观察下工作.
  4. The employer provides the training and derives no immediate advant年龄 from the activities of the student; and on occasion, 这些行动实际上可能受到培训的阻碍.
  5. The student is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period.
  6. The employer and the student understand that the student is not entitled to w年龄s for the time spent training

The federal Department of Labor (DOL) W年龄 and Hour Division has recognized that a person may volunteer time to religious, 慈善, 公民, 人道主义, or similar non-profit organizations as a public service and not be covered by the FLSA. Such a person volunteers freely for such organizations without compensation or expectation of compensation.

这些活动被DOL描述为“普通志愿服务”.在确定一项活动是否为“普通志愿服务”时,“DOL考虑了各种因素, 包括:

  • 接受服务实体的性质(例如,非营利组织)
  • 任何形式的补偿(如金钱、房间) & 伙食、津贴等.)
  • 对未来收益的预期
  • 该活动是否非全职工作
  • 正式员工是否会被取代
  • 这些服务是否在没有压力或胁迫的情况下免费提供;以及
  • 这些服务是否属于通常与志愿工作相关的那种.

If an individual volunteers in a part of a nonprofit which is commercial and that serves the public, 比如商店或餐馆, DOL不承认他们是FLSA的志愿者.

