4. 组织技能




Your organizational skills play a very important role in your success. They are imperative for any student interested in taking an online course.

如果你是一个在线学生, you need to be more 组织d than you would in a traditional classroom. In this module we will cover one of the most important skills needed for successful online learning. You need to 组织 when to study, where to study, and the tools you need to study.


  • 整理你的物理学习空间
  • 整理课程材料
  • 创建组织风格
  • Develop a scheduling system that will help you turn all coursework in on time



  • 控制你的物理空间
  • 你什么时候最有效率?
  • 在什么样的环境下?

每个人的偏好都是不同的, 但一旦你自己回答了这些问题, create a place where your priority can be concentrating on schoolwork.

  • 首先, 确定一天中你什么时候效率最高. 早上是你最清醒、注意力最集中的时候吗? 你喜欢在晚上工作吗, when you've gotten other things you need to accomplish during the day already done? Or is there some other time of day that works best for your studies?
  • 制定时间表真的很有帮助, so you know when you will be sitting down to accomplish the requirements for your course.
  • 第二, 决定在哪里学习. Some people prefer to work at home; others find that setting too tempting or distracting. Some prefer the quiet of a library while others appreciate the background activity they find at a café. Make sure you have a plan B location in case your first location doesn't work out on a given day.
  • 第三, what conditions will enable you to concentrate and learn most effectively 在你的学习空间里? Your motivation can be influenced by the noise level, temperature, and light in the place you choose.


第二个要素是 组织 是你的课程材料吗?. 你可能更喜欢工作 用硬拷贝你可以打印出来并在上面写字, or you may appreciate the ease and flexibility that comes with working digitally.

Most students use a combination of both, depending on the course or a given assignment. Whether you prefer hard copies or digital versions of course material, you should set up a reliable and convenient system so you can stay on top of your work.

如果你喜欢“辛苦”(或体力)的工作, 印刷)副本, find a place where you can keep all of your school materials: books, 笔记, 作业, 绑定, 还有日历.

保存一些 基本办公用品:笔, 笔用, 纸, 一个订书机, 绑定, 文件夹, 索引卡或其他你可能需要的学习辅助工具.


创建适合自己的组织风格. 互联网可以提供帮助. A few quick Google searches might give you some helpful tips and ideas that could make a practical task like organizing very exciting and enjoyable.

If, 另一方面, you prefer the ease and convenience that comes with an electronic (or digital) system, you still have many options for how to 组织 your materials. Again, you'll still want to have a "place" where you can store and find your materials. 你要用哪个装置保存你的材料?

您将把备份存储在哪里? 如果你把文件保存在不同的设备上, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time trying to locate a document. 避免这种情况的方法是 creating an electronic organizational system that works 对你来说.

You may want to store files on your own personal computer, or you may want to save them on an external hard drive or a removable flash drive. 另一个选择是 把你的文件保存在“云端”, 或者在线存储. This may mean emailing yourself copies of 作业 or tapping into the free resources offered by cloud-based services.

Every student at any of the nine Los Angeles Community College 区 (LACCD) 校园可以保存他们的文件 OneDrive的可用存储空间高达1tb.

All your files are private unless you decide to share them. Use OneDrive in your web browser or from the OneDrive app, 可在所有您喜欢的设备, 包括安卓, iOS, 或Windows Phone.

Examples of available cloud-based stor年龄 services include:


你最不需要安排的就是你的时间. The first thing you'll want to do when you sign up for an online class is to 通读教学大纲!),并熟悉课程要求 作业的截止日期.

Write these down immediately—these dates will help you get an idea of what the rest of the term will look like and how the course will be paced.

最重要的是, make sure that you don't have any surprises midway through the term—you won't want to realize that your first big essay is due the day before the midterm.


  • Print out the syllabus and calendar in case servers go down or you have a power out年龄 issue.
  • Identify several places with free wireless internet: that way, 如果一个网络故障, you will have an alternative location for getting 作业 in on time. 其他设备也一样.
  • View and read more about OneDrive on LACCD or LAVC’s web site. 检查其兼容性、空间和特性.
  • Decide how to 组织 your electronic course materials, 包括你下载的和你创建的. 例如,您可以创建:

每个课程每周有一个子文件夹, using a naming convention that includes the dates of each week. 例如:Wk1_Sept01-08
在每个每周子文件夹中, you could create another level of sub-文件夹 divided into "readings,”“资源,”“作业,”等.

  • Create descriptive file names so you don't have to open files to know what is in them. 对于同一文件的不同版本也是如此.
  • Keep at least one backup for each of your files and store them in a different place than where you usually access them.
  • Create a calendar that you can fill out as soon as you receive the syllabus and update it as soon as you get a new assignment. 日历模块,在Canvas中, is a great way to view everything you must do for all your courses in one place.


你跨越了人生旅途中的又一个重要里程碑. You know the importance of your organizational skills in taking an online class. 因为在线学习非常灵活, you can really tailor the experience to your own personal preferences. There are numerous resources online to help you with your organizational skills!




  1. 在浏览器中,进入 http://mycollege.laccd.edu
  2. 登录ID/UserID: Your 9-digit student ID number (example: 881234567 or 900123456)
  3. Password: Same as your SIS password (where you registered for the class). 给我.